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R&D and innovation in the organic sector: scenario and financing opportunities | helloproject

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R&D and innovation in the organic sector: scenario and financing opportunities


PTAEEx intends to bring together the entire value chain of organic agriculture in Extremadura in a Regional Technological Platform that encourages cooperation between agents and stakeholders of the Science-Technology-Business triangle in order to contribute to the improvement of its sustainability and productive efficiency, and guiding technical-scientific policies towards organic agriculture and livestock.

The Qualified Training Cycle in Organic Agriculture, Innovation and Development offered within the framework of the Technological Platform of Organic Agriculture of Extremadura aims to promote and support the growth of R&D and innovation in all ecological agri-food productions, as well as increase productivity and the exchange of knowledge between farmers, consultants and scientists.

The contents offered by helloproject, among others, have been focused on the financing of R&D and innovation contemplated in the European Action Plans for Organic Production, the financing opportunities that the new 2021-2027 framework and the NextGenerationEU mechanism offer in the next few years, concrete examples of national and regional calls for proposals, different forms of knowledge transfer from R&D to private companies (agri-food industry, farms, etc.), as well as the main aspects to take into account in formulation and execution of R&D and innovation projects in the agri-food sector.

Finally, those aspects of interest detected by PTAEEx where to prioritize R&D and innovation in the organic sector in Extremadura have been highlighted based on the Agenda on R&D&i created by the PTAEEx Technological Platform: "Main challenges , objectives and lines of action in research, technological development and innovation to achieve the optimal development of the organic farming sector in Extremadura".

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